Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nothing says exciting like a medium brown...

Cardamon, actually. Brent painted our bedroom last week/weekend. I love it, and I think the color looks great. After finishing, Brent laughed that we had looked at well over 30 paintchips to choose the perfect medium brown.

Last Thursday we took a little field trip to meet Andrea and Selina at Selina's grandparents' farm. Ethan LOVED the fact that there were chickens, roosters, ducks, dogs, cows, and horses. He and Andrea chased the ducks in the paddle boat, and he ran around the yard checking out the tractors and assorted equipment.

We've had a pretty calm week; trying to have some downtime and take care of packing for our trip to Ohio next week.

I've got many thoughts swirling around in my head these days...many recent reminders in the lives of people I care about that this life is full of joy and sorrow and laughter and tears. How glad I am to know that my God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I have many questions and far fewer answers, but I feel blessed that God has given me this moment, this family, and these opportunities to love the ones around me with everything I have (and often more than I have by the end of the day!) With that in mind, some random things (in no particular order other than as they occur to me) happening in our lives have seemed like things that might make somebody else laugh, or at least know what to pray for when they think of us! Many of them are things I am so thankful for; some are things I can at least laugh at, and all of them are gifts/challenges that just seem to come with this time in our lives:

Okay, I was just now getting to the part where I share actual kiddo stories (for those of you not enthralled by my brown walls) and Ethan woke up early from his nap. This seems right, as Ella took longer than usual to go down for her nap. Too much alone time just breeds laziness, right? I promise to get back to this soon!

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