Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I don't think they look like weebles?

Ella had her 6 month appointment on Monday. She's 25 5/8 inches long and weighs 14 lbs, which puts her at the 48th percentile for height and 15th percentile for weight. In an amusing side note that I can only assume promises a future full of great things and many squeals when pulling on shirts, she follows in the lead of her brother and is at the 94th percentile for her head size. She was a bit fussy after the shots, and anytime the rest of the day that she would cry Ethan would look at her and say very somberly, "Ella doctor...medcin shot." He supervised from behind me the whole time, clearly wanting to protect her and yet not willing to risk any chance of getting a needle in his direction.

Lately when we read one alphabet book from the library Ethan does a where's waldo type game that took me a while to catch on; he kept saying, "mushwoom...where is it?" Even when I figured it out and told him it's a moustache, he still tells me about his poppa's mushwoom. This means when he talks about my dad, it's usually about his tractor, love of playing with water, and his mushwoom.

The kids both had fun this week with more guests....they are going to be so bored with just me next week! My sister made a trip over before her semester starts back and there was lots of giggling around the house. Brent and I got a little bit of time and made a run to Target to finish birthday shopping for Ethan. We live an exciting little life, don't we?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't have internet access yet in Cameron, but I was going to give you a call when I came in last night if I didn't have an Ethan & Ella update. I well remember another big headed baby, you won't be able to pass this one off on Brent. Can't wait for the entertainment at this year's reunion.