Thursday, February 18, 2010

No love for the sweet potato

This morning in an attempt to keep the kids out of mischief (they're feeling better and pretty squirrely but still coughing and noses running enough we're avoiding other kids) we made collage placemats. The theme was supposed to be foods. Ethan included a girl with a bow and arrow and Ella put a cat. We won't think too much about those, although I suppose that Italian tv chef who just got fired might be in solidarity with Ella.
At breakfast this morning I watched Ethan dip his french toast into his yogurt and gobble it up. This from a kid who gets greatly disturbed when the different foods on his plate touch each other and make the other "dirty". I tried to exploit the love for dipping things last night by serving a little ketchup with the sweet potato fries (insert disgusted shudder here). Of course this didn't work. Brent laughed at me for calling them fries (which they love) and setting them up for disappointment. I'm not sure why I'm on this quest to find a way to serve sweet potatoes that Brent and the kids will like. They eat other vegetables, and I just can't understand not liking sweet potatoes. I've tried them served with butter and caramel sauce, roasted with honey, as chips with some cayenne (which were actually really good but made Ella scrape her tongue desperately with her fingers---oops), and last night's attempt tossed in some olive oil and onions/garlic/herbs and baked/broiled. Guess I'll resort to fixing it just for myself, which at least gives the possibility that they'll want it. Stuff on my plate always looks better to them.


p dub said...

Sweet potato fries are one of God's greatest inventions! Actually, all of the ways of serving them that you described sound awesome. Your husband is defective if he can't get into it. I wish I was there to show my disdain to his face.

Carrie and Jim said...

I love the placemats. We made some at Christmas and I laminated them o we can use them next year.

I'm with Phil, I think you previous dishes sound delicious!

Mark and Amy said...

I, too, love sweet potato fries and all things sweet potato! The rest of your family is nuts! I can also relate to my kids eating gross things and then turning their noses up at the yummy stuff I make.