Monday, September 15, 2008

Welcome fall!

And by that I mean, there are no temperatures forecast in the 90's for the next 10 days!!! This morning it was actually in the 60's. Ethan and I went out to play during Ella's morning nap. He walked out the door, stopped, and said "cold outside?" He seemed really confused by that! It was so pleasant. We ran, kicked a ball, he rode his tricycle. I made the mistake of picking him up and spinning him in circles. "Again, again, again!!" It was a dizzy funny morning.

The other thing Ethan says a lot these days that makes me laugh is "what's next?" or "what do now?" He leans his head all the way down to his shoulder when he says it, which he also does when he says, "whhheeeere is it?" about something.

Ella has moved to her highchair (pictures coming) and seems to be eating better in it. It's certainly easier than dodging her legs and arms and timing spoonfuls between bounces in the bouncy seat! I have, however, given her a spoon to let her get accustomed to the process. She makes a bit of a mess with it. Ethan is happy to give lessons on how to use the spoon; it's how I got him to finish his peas at lunch today! He also is teaching her how to sign more and all done. He gets a bit frustrated that she won't do it yet! She appears to not have the dairy allergy that Ethan did...this certainly will make things easier, especially when we're eating somewhere other than our house.

Ella is now using her knees to rotate in circles. She turns around so fast! Lately she really enjoys sitting up in the boppy seat and playing (preferably with Ethan's cars...she loves them).

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